
January 16, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Why hello there.

So my grandiose plans of starting this blog to keep you all up to date with progress pictures, how-to's, our successes and our failures during our kitchen renovation is well, an epic fail.

The past 3 months have been busy. We kept truckin on the kitchen reno and we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! As of today, we have a fully functional kitchen! Everything is back in the cabinets and drawers, all of our appliances have been moved back in and we've even started cooking again! The only things left on our to-do list are to (1) move in the concrete counters from the garage and seal them (2) install the backsplash and (3) trim out the doors and window. I figured since we're pretty close to being done, I'll save the pictures for our big reveal!

We don't have many progress pictures anyway because we've been pre-occupied taking pictures of this guy.

Say hello to the newest member of our family!

(8 weeks old)

So as I mentioned in our first ever post, our reward for finishing the kitchen was a puppy! Well, this little guy came a little early. We weren't planning on getting a puppy so soon but just look at that face. How can you say no to him! He's an F2b labradoodle and came home with us in mid-December.

Mozzi (moz-ee) is named after a character on a TV show called White Collar on USA. If yall haven't seen it, you need to. Some people have called him Moh-zee mistakenly. Honestly, we didn't know how to spell his name and we were too lazy to look it up so we just made up the spelling. I looked on the TV show credits later and it's actually spelled Mozzie. We never changed it because by then we had already made his ID tag and filled out the paperwork at the vet. Oh wells. Mozzi is how the cool kids spell it.

He's a huge fluff ball (that doesn't shed!) of clumsy goofy puppy and we love him to death. He's already 16 weeks old now and is growing so fast! We expect him to be about 45 pounds. So yeah, this guy has been keeping us busy. More gratuitous puppy photos to come!

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